In the aftermath of the DeFi apocalypse during the first half of 2022, what are the lessons DeFi projects need to heed to rebuild trust in the industry?
ReadWe are pleased to announce our latest roadmap towards the launch of the Bumper protocol.
ReadWhat is a Taker in the Bumper protocol? A guide to crypto price Protection
ReadEvery trade you ever made was a zero sum game. Bumper is changing that, delivering a provably-fair, non-zero sum outcome price protection protocol.
ReadAt the midpoint of 2022, we thought it was time to give our supporters, detractors and FUDsters an update as to the state of play at Bumper.
ReadUpdates from the Bumper team: Audit latest, Crypto Defender winners, new roles and partner updates plus more.
ReadWinners of the Bumper Crypto Defender competition.
ReadStop Losses don't always work as intended, and you can easily end up finding yourself in a worse position. Here's the alternative to Stop Losses.