Bumper is partnering with The Defiant to spread the news about our innovative DeFi risk management protocol to the crypto world.
ReadCan the best crypto options platform actually defy the traditional definition?
ReadDiscover the transformative power of DeFi on stop loss mechanisms. In this article, we dive into how we're turning traditional stop losses on their head, offering more control to traders, and eliminating the need for centralised exchanges
ReadThe latest technical updates from Bumper covering the period 15 May to 2 June 2023.
ReadExplore Bumper's simulation report as it unveils an upgraded DeFi model for price protection with attractive yields, lower premiums, and dependable protocol solvency
ReadA run down of the main features of the Bumper DAO governance model. Get a grounding in how protocol decision making works, and how token holders can participate.
ReadAnnouncing the details of the global staking unlock function on Bumper's existing (legacy) staking contracts. Learn how to eject even if you're still locked in for a fixed staking period.